Sacred Moon Journey
"The Moon is a reminder that no matter what phase I'm in, I'm still whole."
- Author Unknown
There is a reason you are being called to this page....
The Moon is calling you to RECOGNIZE the inner desires of your soul; the inner work that you are ready to do; and to help you deepen your connection to SELF.
Every month, we are invited by the Moon Goddess to awaken and connect to the deepest part of ourselves. As the moon transforms itself from a thin sliver in the sky to a full fertile round moon, we can also recognize the natural rhythm's and changes that are happening within us.
There are so many blessings that the Moon provides. We can harness her energy and tap into the fertile part of ourselves and manifest what we truly desire; see what no longer serves us and needs to be released; and provides a period to truly do "soul reflection" work to work on areas for healing.
The "Sacred Moon Journey" class will help you to understand these powerful energies of the moon and how you can benefit from working with them.
So why work with the moon?
Working with the moon is great for...
Manifesting New Energies and Abundance into your Life
Healing the Spiritual Wounds of the Past
Release Work
Shifting Your Personal Energy
Deepening your Spiritual Connection
Grounding Your Energy
Awakening your Personal Magical Power's
What will we cover in this Class?
This class covers 6 Units, helping you to deepen your understanding of the different energies of the moon and how you can work with them to manifest, release and do true inner work.
Unit 1
Your "Sacred Moon Journey" Contract & Commitment
Pre-New Moon Work With Guided Video
Unit 2
Moon Phases and the different types of Moons
Pre-New Moon Work With Guided Video
Unit 3
Pre-New Moon Work With Guided Video
Unit 4
New Moon Work
Recording of a previous "Live" class in Facebook Group
Unit 5
Full Moon Work
Guided Video
Unit 6
Reflection for the Dark Moon
Guided Video
What can I expect to get from this class?
After this class you will feel more confident with working with the moon, have a better understanding of the moon energies, and most important, you will have a deeper relationship with yourself.
connecting with yourself with the guidance of the moon is a gift we have been given...are you ready?