In the last couple of months, I was called by the Universe to really think hard about my business and what it was that I wanted to accomplish with it. I sat down and made a serious to-do list. I made a decision to have the goal of launching my business on January 1, 2018. My list was not short, but I was determined to do this.
By the first week of December, I was hit with my first bump in the road....I got my first cold of the season. I healed pretty quick and moved forward still determined to accomplish my list. By mid-December I was hit with my second cold, but this time, it hit me hard. I became really hill and was out for almost 2 1/2 weeks, forced to be idle on my couch, and left with barely any energy to get through the day.
All I could think about was "Why is this happening?" I did everything I was supposed to do. I organized myself, made a plan, and manifested the Universal support I needed to make this wish of mine happen. So why would I be faced with a hurdle of not being able to move? Sitting there with my own thoughts was pure torture. I wanted nothing more than to move, work on my business, and get things done.
After weeks of being sick, I started to feel better. I did what most people do after they are sick for some time. I ran around like a mad person and started making lists, returned phone calls, responded to e-mails, and of course, worked on my business. I didn't ease into my to-do list that was sitting there. I ran straight back into my chaotic energy without much thought. During this time, I noticed I was hit with so many messages from Spirit. I heard over and over, "Slow down, trust the process." I took this message, tucked away and kept on with my agenda. Again, I heard the second round of messages, "Trust the flow. All is exactly how it is supposed to be." The next day, I came across a video that one of my favorite bloggers posted that really got my attention. The video was about what happens when we are moving too fast, comparing ourselves to others, and what it looks like when we try to control our destiny rather than being in the flow. She said that when we compare ourselves to others, or push ourselves to where we think we need to be, we are telling the Universe and Source that we don't TRUST. I was overcome with this message. Spirit all this time was trying to remind me to SLOW DOWN and TRUST.
Looking back at the months prior to December, I was rushed, stressed, and not in the FLOW. I lost myself in my ego rather than understanding that Spirit and God always is with me and I am always in perfect Divine timing with myself.
I have true Gratitude for the sickness despite how had it was because in the contrast I was able to get back in the moment, be in my sacred heart space, and get back on the right Spiritual track.
I hope this post helps to remind you to TRUST, STAY IN THE FLOW, AND SURRENDER any stresses that you may have in your life. May the ease of Spirit and God be with you and overcome you with LOVE.
~Elaina K.